Look what an adorable picture I got in the mail today. This is my youngest step-
daugher, Nadia and her husband Jeff's new baby. Isn't she just the cutest!!
They named her Alina and she was born on Feb 5th. Needless to say Grandad
will be taking a trip to California soon and leaving the girls and I in Kentucky.
The date on the picture is wrong, but the time is right. Yep, she came in the middle
of the night. Can't wait to scrap this one. I'll post more pictures later. ;)
Congratulations, Jan!! How exciting! She is beautiful!
Hey - saw your x-ray - your back looks just like mine! Full of rods, screws, cages, etc. etc. etc.!! LOL! Sorry you're having a rough time of it. I know chronic pain can be so draining. Hope you're feeling better soon!
You have the same music video I have on my blog! It is my favorite one ever! When I heard it start playing I had to look and see if I accidentally opened a new tab with my own blog! LOL!
Aww Jan. She is beautiful! Congratulations to you all. :)
Congrats, Jan! she is gorgeous!
Congrats, Jan! She's so adorable!! Hope your back is feeling better!
OHHHH she is gorgeous, Jan!!!
Congrats to your family...
I hope you feel better soon...
Oh congratulations!!! She's ADORABLE! and I love the name too :)
She's just beautiful, Jan! Congrats!!
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